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Writer: LukeLuke

Updated: Jan 16, 2019

The Moon during a lunar eclipse like the one occurring January 20th 2019

The Moon, Earth’s closest neighbor, easily captures the eye and imagination. You don’t need a telescope or any fancy equipment to view the Moon and is therefore the first thing that attracts astronomers of all walks of life to pause for a moment and take in the heavens, myself included.

Inspiring awe however is one of the less important responsibilities of the Moon. The Moon has many influences on life here on Earth, the most obvious of which I would argue is the tides. Tides are caused by the Moon and the Sun pulling on Earth. When the Sun and the Moon are in alignment (during new Moon and full Moon) we have spring tides (the largest tides) and when the Moon and the Sun are pulling perpendicular to one another (at first quarter and last quarter, when the Moon appears half illuminated) we have neap tides (the smaller tides).

Tides can be seen in this gif in the thin blue layer that stretches and smooths as the Sun and Moon pull on the ocean

At least that’s about all an astronomer will tell you about tides as that’s all we are taught. An oceanographer might point out that it’s more complicated for many reasons, one being the geography of a cove/shoreline will have an effect on tides, possibly causing outgoing tides to cancel out incoming tides (this is why some places have 2 or 4 tides a day and in some places tides are much more pronounced than others).

Differing tides along coastlines due to oceanographic effects

Doing most of my astronomy education and observing in landlocked Colorado I have just the basic understanding of the tides of the ocean. However Colorado experiences tides as well, earth Tides. Just like the tides of the ocean the solid Earth itself experiences tides which can displace the ground you are on right now to change up to 15 inches! You won’t notice earth tides as there is nothing to compare your movement to. This is like a boat out at sea during both high and low tide won’t be able to see the ocean rise and lower because it happens to all of the ocean within sight equally. I have seen some books on gardening that cite earth tides (and also the pull on the water table) as why you should plant your garden at different phases of the Moon depending on the plant.

Diagram showing different earth tides

The Moon is also pulling on you just as it does on the land and the ocean. I would like to market this as a new weight loss craze that if you wish to lose weight fast skipping the diet and exercise, just step on the scale at midnight on a full Moon! This as most crazes sounds great until you read the fine print: The Moon’s pull on you is one millionth the pull of Earth so when the full Moon is directly overhead you weigh one millionth what you would without the Moon. If a person weighs 150 lbs they would lose .0000001*150 lbs= .000015 lbs or 68.04 milligrams which is about the weight of a large grain of sand. You would probably do better just taking your shoes off when you step on a scale. If you go with something larger like your car, it’s probably around 4,500 lbs and would lose 2 grams or about the weight of a penny.

The force that causes the tides creates a sort of friction on the Earth (aptly called tidal friction). Just as the friction of the ground and air around a top eventually stops the top (or rather slows the top down to the speed of the ground), the tidal pull of the Moon is working to slow the Earth to the speed of which the Moon orbits us. This has been going on since the Earth and the Moon paired up and is why the Moon only shows us one side to this day. The tidal pull of the Earth on the Moon is 32.5 times that of the Moon's tidal pull on Earth. This paired with the fact that the Moon is smaller than the Earth and unable to hold as much rotational energy means the Earth has slowed the Moon down to a stop. This is why the Moon only shows Earth one face.

The Moon still rotates, it just rotates at the same speed which it rotates around us (the Earth). It is no coincidence that it takes the Moon about one month to orbit the Earth. The word month's root is Moon-th, the suffix -th indicates measurement (1/4th 100th or 10th place), so a month is a measurement of a Moon (phase to phase i.e. full Moon to next full Moon). The Moon takes 29.5 days to go around the Earth and one month is 30.4 days on average. The reason for the slight difference is our calendar is tuned to the rotation of the Sun more than the Moon giving us regular seasons. Our calendar, the Gregorian calendar, was created by Pope Gregory XIII in the 1500s when he noticed Easter was not occurring in the start of spring as the church had originally celebrated it.

Pope Gregory XIII

With yourself, two friends and a flashlight you can demonstrate the dance the Sun, Earth, and Moon do that causes the phases of the Moon seen on Earth. Each participant will take the role of either the Earth, the Moon or the Sun. The Sun stands back and shines the flashlight on the head of the person playing the Moon, the Moon will walk circles sideways around the person playing the Earth always looking at them.

From the person playing the Earth’s perspective they will see:

  1. the Moon’s face in darkness when they are standing in between the Sun and the Earth,

  2. the Moon’s face half in light when the Moon is ¼ the way around the circle (first quarter, half Moon),

  3. the Moon’s face will be fully illuminated when the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon (full Moon),

  4. the Moon’s face half in light when the Moon is 3/4 the way around the circle (last quarter, half Moon), and

  5. back to dark once they have made a full rotation (new Moon).

Doing this you will see from the Earth's perspective you only see one face of the Moon. However from the sun’s perspective the the Moon spins one full rotation and the flashlight shines on all sides of the Moon’s head.

This is the phases of the Moon shown in a static diagram. The gif I have to show tides shows the movement better.

There is no dark side of the Moon (unless you’re a Pink Floyd fan) as the Sun shines on all sides of the Moon. If you were living on the opposite side of the Moon from Earth you would still have a day. Anywhere on the Moon has days, they are just as long as a Moon-th (29.5 days). You can imagine living in the middle of the side of the Moon facing Earth and mid-day when the Sun is overhead would be full Moon and midnight would be new Moon making a full day midnight to midnight last 29.5 days. I think I’d prefer living on the Earth side as you would always have Earth in your sky meaning you would also get to see eclipses!

A lunar eclipse is caused by an alignment of the the Sun, the Earth, and the Moon. Going back to the example of three friends doing the Sun, Earth, and Moon dance, an eclipse happens when the Moon is on the exact opposite side of the Earth from the Sun where the sun’s light is blocked from reaching the Moon by the Earth. During a lunar eclipse the Sun’s light is blocked from reaching the Moon by the Earth.

Lunar eclipse's are often called blood Moons due to the red hue.

If you were on the Moon a “lunar eclipse” looks like a solar eclipse where the Sun is blocked out by the Earth. On the Earth we see the fully illuminated full Moon go dark, usually a dark shade of red/orange. The red/orange color is caused by the Earth’s atmosphere bending light from the Sun much like a sunset. Switching back to the perspective from the Moon when you see the Sun tuck behind the Earth you are able to see a red/orange ring of sun around the Earth. This red/orange ring is the Earth’s atmosphere bending the light, so during a lunar eclipse an observer on the Moon would see all of the sunsets around the Earth at that moment. This is why lunar eclipses are different shades of reds and orange as what is going on in the Earth’s atmosphere changes the color. For example, a volcano in Chile made a lunar eclipse in 2015 extra dark because it released more particulates into the atmosphere.

What an eclipse seen from the Moon might look like

There will be a lunar eclipse next Sunday (January 20th, 2019) peaking just after 10 pm MST in Denver. Observing lunar eclipses is easy, requires no equipment and can be done anywhere that the sky is clear and you can see the Moon. Just check in on the Moon frequently on the night of the 20th and watch it. The Moon will be fully illuminated at the start of the night ~6 pm, you won’t even see a sign of an eclipse till after 8:34 pm when the eclipse starts. The Moon will get darker and darker and at 9:40 pm it will be completely shaded. The Moon will reach its darkest at 10:12 pm when it is in the middle of Earth’s shadow. Then as the Moon leaves Earth’s shadow it will get brighter and brighter getting its first direct Sun at 10:43 pm and going back to fully illuminated just after 11:50 pm.

This collage shows the transitional stages of a lunar eclipse.

Looking at the moon with a telescope or a simple pair of binoculars will yield amazing detail of the lunar landscape, and enhance watching Earth’s shadow progress across the Moon. The Moon is the second brightest thing in the sky (after the Sun) and can hurt your eyes if using too large of a telescope, so smaller might even be better. Looking in a telescope or binoculars you will be able to tell as the Moon gets dimmer as your eyes strain. You eyes will dilate looking at a bright full Moon around 6 pm, but at 10:12 pm you can look at it easily. Wearing sunglasses while looking in the telescope/binoculars will limit the strain on your eyes. You will also be able to see the effects of the Moon dimming when looking at other celestial objects such as Orion’s Nebula which will start the night more washed out by the Moon’s natural light pollution but will appear brighter while the Moon is eclipsed.

The location of Orion's Nebula is the middle star of Orion's sword which hangs below his belt.

If you are interested in seeing the lunar eclipse up close in my telescopes and have a more detailed explanation, I am holding a special lunar eclipse tour the night of January 20th. Please contact me for details as space is limited. An eclipse like this will not be visible in the Colorado skies again until 2025, do not miss it!

Writer: LukeLuke

Hope everyone had an amazing holiday season and are geared up to have a happy new year! I'm excited that I have gotten the opportunity to put up some of my paintings at the Market on Laimer Square. If you're free New Years Day and want to come down to the market around 6p I'll be there with a cheese plate and maybe some wine showing my work. If not it will be up for the next 2 months so swing by to check them out before the end of February.

Here are some of my works that will be on display and for sale at the Market. Most of the pictures do not do the real thing justice as I use metallic and neon paints which play with the light which isn't conveyed on a screen as well as in person.

Grand Planetary Spring

Grand Planetary Spring

Here the Grand Prismatic Spring of Yellowstone National Park (the largest hot spring in the United States) is re-imagined as a planetary nebula (such as the Ring Nebula)

Grand Prismatic Spring M57 - Ring Nebula



In film little green men often forcibly take unsuspecting folks and share with them the secrets of the universe. In my experience the secrets of the universe are rarely forced upon you. Here a path has been extended to you offering a wondrous journey for those brave enough to take it. Who knows what’s at the end, maybe there is no end and the path is an infinity symbol with an illusion of being broken. If you tilt your head you might find the path to be my initials L.H.

Night Dive at Koh Ha

Night Dive at Koh Ha

Koh Ha (meaning 5 islands) is a set of tropical islands in the Andaman Sea. The islands protected by Thailand as a National Marine Park offering amazing diving and snorkeling opportunities. The Long-tail boat is the most popular boat of Thailand. While there are many differences among all of the boats in Thailand, they all share the decorations on the bow of the boats. This area has usually been blessed by a Buddhist monk and will be covered in ribbon and hanging garlands of flowers as an offering to Mae Yanang, the goddess of safe journey, for good luck and protection



Many Aboriginal constellations focus on the dark parts between the stars (example: ‘the Emu in the Sky’) rather than connecting the stars as European explorers did (example: the southern cross). Using the style of Indigenous rock painting particularly stencil art, using the motif of a hand print. Here we have a handprint in the sky. Within the handprint is a tiny paw print representing Croydon a kitten I saved from the Australian outback (or rather I saved the outback from the kitten as cats are invasive and devastating to Australia's ecosystem).

Christmas Comet

Christmas Comet

As you might have seen in my last blog post Comet 46P/Wirtanen a green comet that graced our skies, peaking on December 16th, became known to many as the x-mas comet because of the proximity to the holidays. I was lucky enough to get a photo of it (shown here) and track it down in a telescope during one of my tours. Here Santa is chasing it as he makes his deliveries.

One of my photos of the x-mas comet. you might notice the head of Taurus in the bottom left hand corner

Cactus at Moonrise

Cactus at Moonrise

My take on Bob Ross’s Joy of Painting S8E10 “Cactus at Sunset” I have changed the sunset to a moonrise (making the perspective looking east rather than west, or maybe my happy little world spins the other direction). Many hidden treasures can be found by inspecting this painting with different lighting (e.g. a black light)

The Rainbow Connection

The Rainbow Connection

Why are there so many paintings with rainbows and what's on the other side? From the mountains to the stars many rainbows can be found in this painting. Rainbows are visions, but only illusions, and rainbows have nothing to hide. Like a prism the white path in this painting is bringing out all of the vibrant colors of the landscape. What's so amazing that keeps us stargazing and what do we think we might see? Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection The lovers, the dreamers and me

Hope to see you there! As I said there will be more than this at the Market and the pictures don't pickup the metallic and neon paints well.

If you want to come to the opening I have made a facebook event with more details here:

Writer: LukeLuke

We will be visited by a bright green comet this December just before Christmas! The comet’s official name is Comet 46P/Wirtanen however because of the timing I think calling it the Christmas Comet (2018) sounds a lot better.

The Christmas Comet is currently the closest thing to the Earth outside of the moon and will be getting a lot closer. On December 16th 2018 the Christmas Comet will make its closest approach at .0775 AU (That’s 7.7% the earth sun distance, 7.2 Million Miles, 39 light seconds, or 30 times the earth moon distance). It will be passing in the sky right between the Pleiades (the seven sisters) and Aldebaran (the red eye of Taurus the bull) when it makes closest approach on the 16th.

sky and telescope magazine has a good image of where the comet will be in the sky for the next few months here:

The Christmas Comet should be fairly visible reaching about the size of the full moon. A decent pair of binoculars will probably offer the best views as a telescope might zoom too much and it might be too dim to see easily with the unaided eye. It is hard to predict brightness of comets but the Smithsonian is saying about 8+ magnitude (about the brightness of Neptune, would require a small telescope or good binoculars to see), and sky and telescope magazine is more optimistic saying it should be about 3+ magnitude (just dimmer than the north star, would be able to see with the unaided eye).

The main factor working against the comet will be the moon right now it is a new moon meaning in the coming weeks the moon will be growing causing more and more natural light pollution and setting later and later. On the night of the 16th the moon will be 56% full and setting just after midnight making it highly likely to wash out the comet’s appearance to many viewers. On Christmas eve the moon will rise only 45 minuets after sunset giving a moonless evening to view the Christmas comet.

The word comet comes from Latin and means “long haired star” referring to the hair like tail, the most striking feature of a comet. The Christmas comet should appear with a faint cloud tail possibly with a green hue pointing away from the sun.

Comet 67P which was studied up close by the Rosetta mission

Comets are referred to as dirty snowballs as they are primarily made up of ice with some rock and dust mixed in. The tail of a comet always points away from the sun because the heat of the sun and the solar wind (a stream of charged particles the sun radiates) hits the comet with enough power to melt the ice and burn the dust. Watching the Christmas Comet between the 13th and the 19th the change in direction of the tail should be very apparent, flipping from pointing south to pointing north as the comet crosses the ecliptic.

Halley's Comet during its pass through the inner Solar System in 1986

Up to the 1700s Saturn was seen as the limit of our solar system. Comets of course were known of prior to the 1700s as they are quite striking when they appear, however comets were seen as foretelling a large event. So instead of studying them when they appear many focused mainly on what upcoming event is being foreshadowed. Aristotle and many others thought comets were phenomenon which occur in the Earth's atmosphere. Edmund Halley famously predicted a comet he had seen in 1682 to return in 1758 this was the first insight into what comets really were. Halley’s comet meant that the solar system was much larger than previously thought as, the orbit Halley predicted had his comet traveling just outside of the orbit of Neptune (which wasn’t discovered until 1846) meaning the comet traveled over 3.7 times as far as Saturn’s orbit. The Christmas comet's orbit is much smaller never traveling further away from the sun than Jupiter's orbit.

If you wish to see the Christmas comet up close in one of my large telescopes and learn more about it I will be offering 2 special tours for the comet, one on December 14th and one on December 16th. Contact me soon for booking.

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